Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Edmondson: Administrative Center Employee of the Month

For those of us who have had trouble navigating around MCC’s maze of systems and procedures, many have turned to Kristy Edmondson to help find the way. And because of that, Kristy has been selected as this month’s Administrative Center (AC) Employee of the month.

Kristy’s nine years at MCC was preceded by employment at Harte-Hanks, a marketing company she worked at for six years. She excelled at customer service and brought those skills with her to MCC.

One nominator wrote, “I have witnessed her cheerful and generous attitude in helping anyone with a question. If she does not know, she finds out. It doesn’t matter if it is an administrator, faculty or staff; she treats us all with the same respect and effort and always with a smile, going the extra mile on our behalf.” Many others concur. “I’ve always called Kristy when I get hung up on how to do something or who I should contact. She’s always helpful, even though she handles multiple jobs.”

Kristy is currently the administrative assistant to Paul Long, vice chancellor of academic affairs and technology. In addition to assisting Paul, she handles all of the travel arrangements for the district; handles arrangements for faculty hiring each year; and process tuition reimbursements for the district. She is also currently the AC Staff Association Vice President and serves on several committees.

It’s a perfect fit. When asked what she like about her job, Kristy responds, “I love being able to help people. I try to go out of my way to assist anyone that I can. We all know that processes at MCC can be cumbersome and a helpful, friendly voice is sometimes all someone needs to make a situation a little easier.”

Kristy also notes that she enjoys the great camaraderie with staff at the AC. “We have a good time at staff association sponsored events like our potlucks or first day of class pizza lunches.”

Most of Kristy’s free time is spent with her husband Tim, and two kids Riley and Tyler. She enjoys planning family vacations, reading, cooking and girls night out.

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